
Critical Discourse Analysis Terhadap Persepsi Megawati Soekarno Putri Tentang Karakter Pemimpin Di Tahun Politik 2014 (Studi Kasus Berita Kompas Edisi Cetak Januari-Februari 2014)

The 2014 is a crucial year for the political map of Indonesia in the future. The people of Indonesia will elect a leader who will lead Indonesia for 5 years ( 2014-2019 ) through the democratic party elections. One important aspect in the general election that profiles the nation's leader (president) who will lead this country. The leader of the nation should have a quality characters. The character of the leader is very important because it determines the fate of the nation and the development orientation. Ahead of the general election 2014, to highlight the various leaders revealed discourse suitable for Indonesia. One of the prominent discourse appears in the statement of Megawati Seokarnoputri (Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle) were exposed in the Kompas Newspaper Edition January to February 2014. This study examines the statement of Megawati Seokarnoputri to find the view of Megawati about the right person to lead Indonesia five years to come. Using qualitative methods approaching to critical discourse analysis (CDA ), researchers examined the perception of Megawati Sukarnoputri of characters matching the ideal leader to lead Indonesia. The study found 10 characters ideal leader according to Megawati Sukarnoputri in Indonesia. These findings provide an important contribution to the relevance of political educational leadership in Indonesia in order to prepare the younger generation of leaders in the future.
Character, Leader, Ideal, Megawati Seokarnoputri
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  • Ch. Megawati Tirtawinata, M.M.

    Ch. Megawati Tirtawinata, M.M.

  • Dr. Frederikus Fios, S.Fil., M.Th.

    Dr. Frederikus Fios, S.Fil., M.Th.

  • Dr. Catarina Manurung, S.H., M.M.

    Dr. Catarina Manurung, S.H., M.M.